Sunday, September 19, 2010

Return of the Silver

It's September and the first coho salmon are beginning to return to the Westport Marina. This annual event began when these fish were smolt and were part of the Ocosta High School's Oceanography program. Each year the class gets 200,000 fingerlings which are reared in net pens on float 4 at the marina. The students feed them, weigh them and study their growth... then after the fish reach a certain size the nets are dropped and the fish are released into the marina. Out into the ocean they eventualy go and when they mature and start thinking about spawning... they return to the marina in search of home!

From any dock at the marina it is possible to see schools of up to 500 adult salmon (2 to 18 pounds) cruise by and fishing is OPEN! The limit is 6 salmon, 3 of which can be adults. The yearling "Jack" salmon accompany the full sized fish and these 1-2 pounders are exciting to catch on a trout rod! There is a "marina derby" which began on the 15th and runs to the end of October. You won't find a more convenient way to fish for salmon... just a hundred feet from the donut shop :-) Why not come check it out. For more pictures click here -

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