Monday, November 15, 2010

Dramatic November Weather

People talk about living in a region that has "changing seasons" but here at the beach we have some days where you get to experience several seasons... in the same day! These pictures were taken all on the same day...

I took a long lunch break and got the surfing and pelican pics...

and then in the afternoon as I left work I got this picture of the storm tower overlooking halfmoon bay...

Down the beach not 30 minutes later I spotted this young bald eagle in a tree top...

and then caught the sun on the wind turbines overlooking the cranberry bogs in Grayland.

Then I headed over to the beach to take this sunset picture before getting home at the end of a "days work".

All in all... an enjoyable day and more proof that the opportunity to appreciate nature (in all of it's forms) abounds here on the South Beach. Why not immerse yourself in it soon?

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